10x Experience
5x Harvesting (Smaller tribes receive higher harvesting rates)
10x Taming
25x Maturation, 5x Mating Speed, 10x Egg Hatch
3x Element Gain/5x on Extinction/1.5x on Gen 2
2x Hexagon Points on Gen 1/2
75% Faster Mating Interval
6x Cave Damage
0.01 Baby Imprint Multiplier
1.2x Loot Quality From Drops (1.75x on Extinction)
1.4x Fishing Loot Quality
Solo Players Receive 1.25x Turret Damage
Max Wild Dino Level: 150
Max Dino Level: 500
✨Tribe Info✨
Tribe Limit: 7
Alliances are Disabled
Tribe Name Change Cooldown: 24 Hours
Tribe must be same players on each server/map
✨Player Stats✨
0.25x Food/Water Drain
10x Weight Gain
25x Crafting Skill
2x Fortitude
Max Speed: 181
Max Weight: 2500
Max Crafting Skill: 2000
Max Health: 800
✨New Player Protection/PVE Protection✨
New players receive 18 days of full structure protection upon joining SquirtleArk
You must place a MAGA ORP structure to be protected under PVE
Structures are only fully protected in ORP range
New Player PVE Protection is disabled if someone joins your tribe who is not under PVE Protection or a tribe mate types /pvp
✨Offline Raid Protection✨
ORP Mode - 80% Structure/Dino Resistance, 3.0x Turret Damage, Normal Turret Ammo
ORP Decay - ORP is automatically removed 3 days after inactivity on server/map
ORPs Per Map - 1
ORPs Per Tribe - 1
Set ORP Activation - Instant
ORP Activation - 15 minutes after last tribe member logs off
If you were being raided/raiding ORP kicks in after 3 hours instead of 15 minutes. Flag expires after 20 minutes of no raid activity.
To set an ORP, place the MAGA ORP structure.
✨Building Settings✨
Structure Snapped Limit: 5500
Max Tribe Structures Per Map: 50,000
Follow all Building Rules
✨Additional Settings✨
No Wipes
Max Character Level: 105 (190 with ascensions/chibis)
Max Wild Dinosaur Level: 150 (Wild)
All Engrams Automatically Unlock except for TEK
Structures and Dinosaur Decay: 10 days unrendered.
BattleEye Enabled
Turret Limit: 100 turrets - vanilla range.
1x Turret Damage
20 Points Every 15 Minutes (Non-VIP)
Wild Dinosaur Wipes twice a day every 12 hours.
Server restarts at 7 AM PST Daily.
Admins do not play on the PVP Cluster and only monitor.
White Drops Include Random Artifacts
Temp 90% colder on Scorched Earth
✨Disabled Dinos✨
Disabled Iguanadon
Diasbled Purlovia
Disabled Enforcers
Disabled Fjordhawk
Disabled Rhynio
Pelagornis, Brontosaurus, Ovis will spawn but cannot be tamed.
Carcha is unbreedable
✨Dino Nerfs/Buffs✨
Rhinos cannot be Netted
Rhinos do 2x Damage
Phoenix take 75% damage and do 1.25x damage
Megachelon take 75% damage
Trikes take 75% damage
Paracer takes 50% Damage
Tapejara takes 50% damage
Ice Wyverns do 1.5x Damage
Velonasaur do 2x Damage
Spinos do 1.5x Damage and take 75% damage.
Meks do 1.75x Damage to Structures
Arthros do 1.5x Damage to Structures
Stryders cannot be netted
Tropeognathus saddle damage cap 200%
Shadowmanes take 125% damage
Maewings take 125% damage
Roll Rats cannot be ridden on Extinction
Astrodelphis take 150% more damage
Astrodelphis cannot damage structures.
Desmodus do 50% less damage
Disabled Engrams
All S+ Building Structures such as Foundations, Ceilings, etc (Lag and Exploits)
Several Unbalanced S+ Items/Structures
Tek Cruise Missile
Spray Painter
Spear Bolt
Rail Gun
Large Taxidermys
Rope Ladders
Sleeping Bag
Flexible Cable
Security Console
Ammo Box
Charge Lantern
Balista Turret
Exo Mek
Awesome Spyglass
Outline Disabled
Shows Dino Stats, Player Names, and Structure Info
Structures Plus
Only added to add various QoL structures from the mod
SquirtleArk 3.0 Mod
Adds various QoL adjustments and reworks to the game
Full Mod List
10x Experience
5x Harvesting (Smaller tribes receive higher harvesting rates)
10x Taming
25x Maturation, 5x Mating Speed, 10x Egg Hatch
3x Element Gain/5x on Extinction/1.5x on Gen 2
2x Hexagon Points on Gen 1/2
75% Faster Mating Interval
6x Cave Damage
0.01 Baby Imprint Multiplier
1.2x Loot Quality From Drops (1.75x on Extinction)
1.4x Fishing Loot Quality
Solo Players Receive 1.25x Turret Damage
Max Wild Dino Level: 150
Max Dino Level: 500
✨Tribe Info✨
Tribe Limit: 7
Alliances are Disabled
Tribe Name Change Cooldown: 24 Hours
Tribe must be same players on each server/map
✨Player Stats✨
0.25x Food/Water Drain
10x Weight Gain
25x Crafting Skill
2x Fortitude
Max Speed: 181
Max Weight: 2500
Max Crafting Skill: 2000
Max Health: 800
✨New Player Protection/PVE Protection✨
New players receive 18 days of full structure protection upon joining SquirtleArk
You must place a MAGA ORP structure to be protected under PVE
Structures are only fully protected in ORP range
New Player PVE Protection is disabled if someone joins your tribe who is not under PVE Protection or a tribe mate types /pvp
✨Offline Raid Protection✨
ORP Mode - 80% Structure/Dino Resistance, 3.0x Turret Damage, Normal Turret Ammo
ORP Decay - ORP is automatically removed 3 days after inactivity on server/map
ORPs Per Map - 1
ORPs Per Tribe - 1
Set ORP Activation - Instant
ORP Activation - 15 minutes after last tribe member logs off
If you were being raided/raiding ORP kicks in after 3 hours instead of 15 minutes. Flag expires after 20 minutes of no raid activity.
To set an ORP, place the MAGA ORP structure.
✨Building Settings✨
Structure Snapped Limit: 5500
Max Tribe Structures Per Map: 50,000
Follow all Building Rules
✨Additional Settings✨
No Wipes
Max Character Level: 105 (190 with ascensions/chibis)
Max Wild Dinosaur Level: 150 (Wild)
All Engrams Automatically Unlock except for TEK
Structures and Dinosaur Decay: 10 days unrendered.
BattleEye Enabled
Turret Limit: 100 turrets - vanilla range.
1x Turret Damage
20 Points Every 15 Minutes (Non-VIP)
Wild Dinosaur Wipes twice a day every 12 hours.
Server restarts at 7 AM PST Daily.
Admins do not play on the PVP Cluster and only monitor.
White Drops Include Random Artifacts
Temp 90% colder on Scorched Earth
✨Disabled Dinos✨
Disabled Iguanadon
Diasbled Purlovia
Disabled Enforcers
Disabled Fjordhawk
Disabled Rhynio
Pelagornis, Brontosaurus, Ovis will spawn but cannot be tamed.
Carcha is unbreedable
✨Dino Nerfs/Buffs✨
Rhinos cannot be Netted
Rhinos do 2x Damage
Phoenix take 75% damage and do 1.25x damage
Megachelon take 75% damage
Trikes take 75% damage
Paracer takes 50% Damage
Tapejara takes 50% damage
Ice Wyverns do 1.5x Damage
Velonasaur do 2x Damage
Spinos do 1.5x Damage and take 75% damage.
Meks do 1.75x Damage to Structures
Arthros do 1.5x Damage to Structures
Stryders cannot be netted
Tropeognathus saddle damage cap 200%
Shadowmanes take 125% damage
Maewings take 125% damage
Roll Rats cannot be ridden on Extinction
Astrodelphis take 150% more damage
Astrodelphis cannot damage structures.
Desmodus do 50% less damage
Disabled Engrams
All S+ Building Structures such as Foundations, Ceilings, etc (Lag and Exploits)
Several Unbalanced S+ Items/Structures
Tek Cruise Missile
Spray Painter
Spear Bolt
Rail Gun
Large Taxidermys
Rope Ladders
Sleeping Bag
Flexible Cable
Security Console
Ammo Box
Charge Lantern
Balista Turret
Exo Mek
Awesome Spyglass
Outline Disabled
Shows Dino Stats, Player Names, and Structure Info
Structures Plus
Only added to add various QoL structures from the mod
SquirtleArk 3.0 Mod
Adds various QoL adjustments and reworks to the game
Full Mod List
Harvesting: 10-15x
Leveling up: 50x
Taming: 25x
Breeding: 10x
Maturation: 10x
Player Weight Increase: 50x
Player Fortitude Increase: 20x
Dino Weight Increase: 50x
Crop Growth: 15x
Slower Stamina/Water/Food Drain
✨Tribe Info✨
Tribe Limit: 12
Alliances are Disabled
Tribe Name Change Cooldown: 1000 Minutes
Tribe must be same players on each server/map
✨Building Settings✨
Structure Snapped Limit: 5000
Max Tribe Structures Per Map: 45,000
Unsnapped lone structures decay faster to help keep maps clean
✨Additional Settings✨
Max Character Level: 175 (265 with all ascensions/chibis/notes)
Max Wild Dinosaur Level: 300 (Wild)
Structures and Dinosaur Decay: 10 days unrendered.
BattleEye Enabled
Wild Dinosaur Wipes at 1:30 AM PST daily
Server restarts at 4 AM PST(7 AM EST) daily
20 Points Every 15 Minutes (Non-VIP)
✨Disabled Dinos✨
Ovis will spawn, however cannot be tamed.
Disabled Brontosaurus
Disabled Noglins
Disabled Titans
Disabled Tek Stryders
✨Mod Adjustments✨
S+ crafters/forges have increased speeds.
Propagators Disabled
XL Walls disabled due to lag causing issues.
Nerfs to mutator and transmitters
Cryosickness is disabled
Generators/Turrets cannot be placed on platform saddles.
Shields cannot be placed on saddles.
✨PVE Enabled. No-Wipes ever.✨
Harvesting: 10-15x
Leveling up: 50x
Taming: 25x
Breeding: 10x
Maturation: 10x
Player Weight Increase: 50x
Player Fortitude Increase: 20x
Dino Weight Increase: 50x
Crop Growth: 15x
Slower Stamina/Water/Food Drain
✨Tribe Info✨
Tribe Limit: 12
Alliances are Disabled
Tribe Name Change Cooldown: 1000 Minutes
Tribe must be same players on each server/map
✨Building Settings✨
Structure Snapped Limit: 5000
Max Tribe Structures Per Map: 45,000
Unsnapped lone structures decay faster to help keep maps clean
✨Additional Settings✨
Max Character Level: 175 (265 with all ascensions/chibis/notes)
Max Wild Dinosaur Level: 300 (Wild)
Structures and Dinosaur Decay: 10 days unrendered.
BattleEye Enabled
Wild Dinosaur Wipes at 1:30 AM PST daily
Server restarts at 4 AM PST(7 AM EST) daily
20 Points Every 15 Minutes (Non-VIP)
✨Disabled Dinos✨
Ovis will spawn, however cannot be tamed.
Disabled Brontosaurus
Disabled Noglins
Disabled Titans
Disabled Tek Stryders
✨Mod Adjustments✨
S+ crafters/forges have increased speeds.
Propagators Disabled
XL Walls disabled due to lag causing issues.
Nerfs to mutator and transmitters
Cryosickness is disabled
Generators/Turrets cannot be placed on platform saddles.
Shields cannot be placed on saddles.
✨PVE Enabled. No-Wipes ever.✨
Harvesting: 10-25x
Leveling up: 75x
Taming: 10X - Optimized to Omega
Breeding: 10X - Optimized to Omega
Maturation: 10X - Optimized to Omega
Player Weight Increase: 25x
Player Fortitude Increase: 20x
Dino Weight Increase: 25x
Crop Growth: 15x
Slower Stamina/Water/Food Drain
Rates are optimized according to the mod developer's settings.
✨Tribe Info✨
Tribe Limit: 12
Alliances are Disabled
Tribe Name Change Cooldown: 1000 Minutes
Tribe must be same players on each server/map
✨Building Settings✨
Structure Snapped Limit: 5000
Max Tribe Structures Per Map: 45,000
Unsnapped lone structures decay faster to help keep maps clean
✨Additional Settings✨
Max Character Level: 175 (265 with all ascensions/chibis/notes)
Max Wild Dinosaur Level: 150 (WILD)
All Engrams Automatically Unlock
Structures and Dinosaur Decay: 10 days unrendered.
BattleEye Enabled
Super Rare/Rare Dinos spawn every 30 minutes
Wild Dinosaur Wipes at 1:30 AM PST daily
Server restarts at 4 AM PST(7 AM EST) daily
20 Points Every 15 Minutes (Non-VIP)
Breeding Mode: 1 (Same Variant, Any Tier)
✨Disabled Dinos✨
Ovis will spawn, however cannot be tamed.
Disabled Brontosaurus
Disabled Noglins
Disabled Titans
Disabled Tek Stryders
✨Mod Adjustments✨
S+ crafters/forges have increased speeds.
Propagators Disabled
XL Walls disabled due to lag causing issues.
Nerfs to mutator and transmitters
Cryosickness is disabled
Generators/Turrets cannot be placed on platform saddles.
Shields cannot be placed on saddles.
✨PVE Enabled. No-Wipes ever.✨
Harvesting: 10-25x
Leveling up: 75x
Taming: 10X - Optimized to Omega
Breeding: 10X - Optimized to Omega
Maturation: 10X - Optimized to Omega
Player Weight Increase: 25x
Player Fortitude Increase: 20x
Dino Weight Increase: 25x
Crop Growth: 15x
Slower Stamina/Water/Food Drain
Rates are optimized according to the mod developer's settings.
✨Tribe Info✨
Tribe Limit: 12
Alliances are Disabled
Tribe Name Change Cooldown: 1000 Minutes
Tribe must be same players on each server/map
✨Building Settings✨
Structure Snapped Limit: 5000
Max Tribe Structures Per Map: 45,000
Unsnapped lone structures decay faster to help keep maps clean
✨Additional Settings✨
Max Character Level: 175 (265 with all ascensions/chibis/notes)
Max Wild Dinosaur Level: 150 (WILD)
All Engrams Automatically Unlock
Structures and Dinosaur Decay: 10 days unrendered.
BattleEye Enabled
Super Rare/Rare Dinos spawn every 30 minutes
Wild Dinosaur Wipes at 1:30 AM PST daily
Server restarts at 4 AM PST(7 AM EST) daily
20 Points Every 15 Minutes (Non-VIP)
Breeding Mode: 1 (Same Variant, Any Tier)
✨Disabled Dinos✨
Ovis will spawn, however cannot be tamed.
Disabled Brontosaurus
Disabled Noglins
Disabled Titans
Disabled Tek Stryders
✨Mod Adjustments✨
S+ crafters/forges have increased speeds.
Propagators Disabled
XL Walls disabled due to lag causing issues.
Nerfs to mutator and transmitters
Cryosickness is disabled
Generators/Turrets cannot be placed on platform saddles.
Shields cannot be placed on saddles.
✨PVE Enabled. No-Wipes ever.✨
Harvesting: 3x (Balanced with eternal dinos)
Leveling up: 5x
Taming: 10x
Breeding: 15x
Maturation: 10x
Player Weight Increase: 15x
Crop Growth: 15x
Slower Stamina/Water/Food Drain
✨Tribe Info✨
Tribe Limit: 10
✨Building Settings✨
Structure Snapped Limit: 5000
Max Tribe Structures Per Map: 7500
Unsnapped lone structures decay faster to help keep maps clean
✨Additional Settings✨
Max Character Level: 175 (265 with all ascensions/chibis/notes)
Max Wild Dinosaur Level: 600 (Wild)
Structures and Dinosaur Decay: 10 days unrendered.
BattleEye Enabled
Server restarts at 4 AM PST(7 AM EST) daily
20 Points Every 15 Minutes (Non-VIP)
✨Disabled Dinos✨
Vanilla Ovis will spawn but not tameable
✨Mod Adjustments✨
S+ crafters/forges have increased speeds.
S+ Building structures disabled to reduce engram lag
Propagators Disabled
XL Walls disabled due to lag causing issues.
Nerfs to mutators
Cryosickness is disabled
Several over-powered engrams are disabled
✨PVE Enabled. No-Wipes ever.✨
Harvesting: 3x (Balanced with eternal dinos)
Leveling up: 5x
Taming: 10x
Breeding: 15x
Maturation: 10x
Player Weight Increase: 15x
Crop Growth: 15x
Slower Stamina/Water/Food Drain
✨Tribe Info✨
Tribe Limit: 10
✨Building Settings✨
Structure Snapped Limit: 5000
Max Tribe Structures Per Map: 7500
Unsnapped lone structures decay faster to help keep maps clean
✨Additional Settings✨
Max Character Level: 175 (265 with all ascensions/chibis/notes)
Max Wild Dinosaur Level: 600 (Wild)
Structures and Dinosaur Decay: 10 days unrendered.
BattleEye Enabled
Server restarts at 4 AM PST(7 AM EST) daily
20 Points Every 15 Minutes (Non-VIP)
✨Disabled Dinos✨
Vanilla Ovis will spawn but not tameable
✨Mod Adjustments✨
S+ crafters/forges have increased speeds.
S+ Building structures disabled to reduce engram lag
Propagators Disabled
XL Walls disabled due to lag causing issues.
Nerfs to mutators
Cryosickness is disabled
Several over-powered engrams are disabled
✨PVE Enabled. No-Wipes ever.✨