📜Building Rules📜
BR1. Three bases per tribe per map. (This is three separate locations. Multiple buildings within the same vicinity count as one). Any fourth base found will get automatically deleted without notice. A base is considered any structure collection. Teleporters/Beds/Taming Traps are exempt.
BR2.NO meshed structures or turrets. This includes meshed foundations, pillars, ocean platforms, etc. Your structures must be easily destroyed by an enemy placing C4 onto them. Mesh turrets are any turrets shooting through terrain (i.e. inside a cave to outside the cave). It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY that none of your turrets shoot through the mesh.
BR3. NO tunnel builds. This includes building foundations below or above a base to build walls up/down and then tunnel with ceilings and walls to the base walls to avoid turrets while negating enemy building radius AKA the exploit that allows you to build next to an enemy building when you aren’t supposed to.
BR4. No building or aggressive dinos whatsoever @ any of the following locations:
Fjordur teleportation area
Wyvern Nests/Egg Spawns
Genesis 2 Rockwell Innards
Genesis 2 Space Bridges
Lava Golem Cave
Ice Queen Cave
Genesis Volcanic Cave
Genesis Mission Zones
Extinction unfobable location above King Titan Terminal
Crystal Isles Underwater Tunnels
Valguero Aberration Zone Entrances
Aberration surface and green surface entrances
Genesis 2 – Mission Zones/Terminals
Spawn Zones
World Borders (bugs that allows building foundations on top of the world border)
You can build at Extinction OSDs under use, however, must be picked up and cleared after you are done.
BR5. No excessive spam outside of your base. You MUST place the Squirtle Spam Range structure at the entrance of your base/cave to see how far you can spam structures. All spam must be within this distance. Spam is limited to 2 snapped structures (BR14). You may place turret towers or teleporters outside of this spam render distance, HOWEVER, there cannot be any spam.
BR6. No open-world structures that are not related to your base, especially turrets, tek force fields, and gates. (Taming traps/beds/teleporters are accepted)
BR7. No building in glitched areas where you have to do a bug to get in. (campfire glitch, suiciding glitch, pelagornis, etc.) Crouch areas are allowed but the crouch area must be easily enterable. No glitches or special tactics to enter the base location.
BR8. No floating bases or floating turret towers. Floating turrets are allowed as long as it is in the middle of hatch frames. All other versions of floating turrets are not allowed.
BR9. Tribes are limited to two Alpha/Limited base locations across the cluster. Any base or collection of structures over this limit will result in a full structure wipe on that map.
Press Here to view Limited Base Locations
BR10. Tribes may only hold two ratholes on the cluster. A rathole is any base location that cannot easily fit in a stego/turtle.
BR.11 - Platform dinos may not be fully concealed on all sides. At least two sides must be able to be shot by turrets. You may block the rider provided your structures do not create a turret line of sight to prevent the dino from taking any damage.
BR12. No placing structures on top of your or another's player model making them completely concealed, immobilized or invulnerable
BR13. No placing MAGA ORP structure at a FOB. Fobs CAN NOT have any offline raid protection. Furthermore, MAGA ORP is only made to be placed at your BASE, no open world structures, etc.
BR14. Spam must not be snapped more than two foundations together.
BR15. No stacking more than two vaults, pillars, or other structures inside of each other.
BR16. No spamming structures/structure capping tribes by placing torches, etc.
📜Game Rules📜
GR1. No hacking or abusing any game/mod/plugin bugs. Tribes caught abusing any bugs will be banned without warning. Example: Stacking hundreds of vaults inside of eachother, c4ing through mesh, or anything else out of the ordinary. If you have doubts ask in Discord.
GR2. One character per player per cluster. No second accounts or account sharing.
GR3. Tribe name, tribe owner, AND tribe members must be the same on all maps.
GR4. No Insiding. Items lost to insiding will not be replaced, it is your tribe and your responsibility to hire trustworthy tribe mates. Insiding can get you banned.
GR5. No duplicating, exploiting, or cheating. This will get you instantly banned.
GR6. No scamming users when trading with them. Absolutely prohibited.
GR7. No teaming to attack or defend a tribe at the same time. Raids are 1 tribe vs 1 tribe. Any interference by a 3rd tribe at a raid is considered teaming. Proof of interference can include screenshots, clips, and/or tribe logs. It must be clear the interference is at the raid.
GR8. No coordinated raids. For example, having two tribes attack a single tribe at the same time at different bases, having 1 tribe fob immediately after your tribe has left, having your ally fob the tribe’s main base who just fobbed you, etc. The burden of proof is on the reporting tribe. Multiple reports of the same tribes coordinating raids will NOT be treated as coincidence. Tribes can be raided on different maps at the same time, however, any proof of teaming or alliance will result in bans for both tribes teaming.
GR9. No holding a player hostage for longer than 30 minutes. However, during a raid, the imprisoned player may be held hostage during the entire raid. This rule only applies to the map the raid is happening on. Any raids on other maps are classified as separate raids. Player held hostage it is your responsibility to provide proof of being held hostage for longer than 30 minutes.
GR10. No stacking more than 2 dinosaurs within each other. More than 2 stacked dinosaurs will be admin wiped without notice and further punishments will apply for repeat offenders. Dinosaurs that get stacked while growing up need to be picked up as soon as they become adults.
GR11. No griefing players under PVE Protection. (Ex. Killing their passive dinos/soaking their turrets while they are under PVE/any other form of griefing) - Open World PVP Is allowed. You can use /pvecheck to see if a tribe is under PVE protection.
GR12. No Raiding in PVE Mode. (No setting up a FOB while in PVE mode to prepare to raid or soaking) If you would like to raid but are in PVE mode, simply get a tribe leader to type /pvp to remove your PVE protection.
GR13. Fobs must be removed once your raid is completed.
GR14. Placing turrets in open-world PVP is allowed but must be picked up afterward. No open world turrets will be allowed longer than 24 hours. (Including battery)
GR15. Tribes causing server performance issues (lag, crashes, etc) will be banned with a warning depending on the circumstance. It is your responsibility to ensure your base does not cause lag when being raided/picked up.
GR16. Toxicity is not allowed. Some friendly PVP trash talk is okay, getting personal and dirty with insults is absolutely not accepted and can get you banned without warning. This is a fun environment, we are not promoting a toxic PvP environment. Raiding is of course okay, but verbal bullying is not.
GR17. No popcorning/despawning loot while being actively raided. Loot can be transferred out, however, popcorning/intentionally despawning loot is punishable, especially while the base is being actively destroyed.
GR18. No abusing server restarts or crashes to activate your ORP - you must log back in if a restart happens, if not we will manually disable your offline raid protection in all entirety.
GR19. No Mek/Mesh Biting anywhere except for at the CROUCH of a base location. If a base location is not a Crouch Entrance you cannot mesh/mek-bite it whatsoever. This also applies to grabbing dinosaurs through the mesh.
GR20. No member swapping or merging tribes while actively in a raid. This applies to the raider and the defending tribe. If you have seven members at the start of a raid/defend you cannot replace members.
📜Overall Server Conduct📜
No racism or verbal bullying including any slang variants. Zero tolerance. This rule will be taken very seriously. You can PvP and trash talk while keeping it fun and not getting personal and nasty. Be smart, zero tolerance is in effect for this rule.
Exchanging and/or offering real money for any in-game items, bases, or points, whether serious or joking will get you permanently banned and both parties' points wiped. Furthermore, Exchanging services or other 3rd party software or programs for any items, points, or real money will be bannable.
Disrespect to a staff member will not be tolerated whatsoever. We work hard to bring a strong and friendly community to our cluster, and all of our Admins are impartial and prejudice free. This is not an ARK server that has abusive admins. We respect the player's time and hard work.
- Please report any breach of these rules/conduct to Admins/Moderators and you may receive compensation.
- Follow all Wildcard Code of Conduct
- Players not following rules may be banned without warning.
- Use the rule type and number when reporting. (ex. BR3, GR5)
- Report using a discord ticket or the support page.
BR1. Three bases per tribe per map. (This is three separate locations. Multiple buildings within the same vicinity count as one). Any fourth base found will get automatically deleted without notice. A base is considered any structure collection. Teleporters/Beds/Taming Traps are exempt.
BR2.NO meshed structures or turrets. This includes meshed foundations, pillars, ocean platforms, etc. Your structures must be easily destroyed by an enemy placing C4 onto them. Mesh turrets are any turrets shooting through terrain (i.e. inside a cave to outside the cave). It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY that none of your turrets shoot through the mesh.
BR3. NO tunnel builds. This includes building foundations below or above a base to build walls up/down and then tunnel with ceilings and walls to the base walls to avoid turrets while negating enemy building radius AKA the exploit that allows you to build next to an enemy building when you aren’t supposed to.
BR4. No building or aggressive dinos whatsoever @ any of the following locations:
Fjordur teleportation area
Wyvern Nests/Egg Spawns
Genesis 2 Rockwell Innards
Genesis 2 Space Bridges
Lava Golem Cave
Ice Queen Cave
Genesis Volcanic Cave
Genesis Mission Zones
Extinction unfobable location above King Titan Terminal
Crystal Isles Underwater Tunnels
Valguero Aberration Zone Entrances
Aberration surface and green surface entrances
Genesis 2 – Mission Zones/Terminals
Spawn Zones
World Borders (bugs that allows building foundations on top of the world border)
You can build at Extinction OSDs under use, however, must be picked up and cleared after you are done.
BR5. No excessive spam outside of your base. You MUST place the Squirtle Spam Range structure at the entrance of your base/cave to see how far you can spam structures. All spam must be within this distance. Spam is limited to 2 snapped structures (BR14). You may place turret towers or teleporters outside of this spam render distance, HOWEVER, there cannot be any spam.
BR6. No open-world structures that are not related to your base, especially turrets, tek force fields, and gates. (Taming traps/beds/teleporters are accepted)
BR7. No building in glitched areas where you have to do a bug to get in. (campfire glitch, suiciding glitch, pelagornis, etc.) Crouch areas are allowed but the crouch area must be easily enterable. No glitches or special tactics to enter the base location.
BR8. No floating bases or floating turret towers. Floating turrets are allowed as long as it is in the middle of hatch frames. All other versions of floating turrets are not allowed.
BR9. Tribes are limited to two Alpha/Limited base locations across the cluster. Any base or collection of structures over this limit will result in a full structure wipe on that map.
Press Here to view Limited Base Locations
BR10. Tribes may only hold two ratholes on the cluster. A rathole is any base location that cannot easily fit in a stego/turtle.
BR.11 - Platform dinos may not be fully concealed on all sides. At least two sides must be able to be shot by turrets. You may block the rider provided your structures do not create a turret line of sight to prevent the dino from taking any damage.
BR12. No placing structures on top of your or another's player model making them completely concealed, immobilized or invulnerable
BR13. No placing MAGA ORP structure at a FOB. Fobs CAN NOT have any offline raid protection. Furthermore, MAGA ORP is only made to be placed at your BASE, no open world structures, etc.
BR14. Spam must not be snapped more than two foundations together.
BR15. No stacking more than two vaults, pillars, or other structures inside of each other.
BR16. No spamming structures/structure capping tribes by placing torches, etc.
📜Game Rules📜
GR1. No hacking or abusing any game/mod/plugin bugs. Tribes caught abusing any bugs will be banned without warning. Example: Stacking hundreds of vaults inside of eachother, c4ing through mesh, or anything else out of the ordinary. If you have doubts ask in Discord.
GR2. One character per player per cluster. No second accounts or account sharing.
GR3. Tribe name, tribe owner, AND tribe members must be the same on all maps.
GR4. No Insiding. Items lost to insiding will not be replaced, it is your tribe and your responsibility to hire trustworthy tribe mates. Insiding can get you banned.
GR5. No duplicating, exploiting, or cheating. This will get you instantly banned.
GR6. No scamming users when trading with them. Absolutely prohibited.
GR7. No teaming to attack or defend a tribe at the same time. Raids are 1 tribe vs 1 tribe. Any interference by a 3rd tribe at a raid is considered teaming. Proof of interference can include screenshots, clips, and/or tribe logs. It must be clear the interference is at the raid.
GR8. No coordinated raids. For example, having two tribes attack a single tribe at the same time at different bases, having 1 tribe fob immediately after your tribe has left, having your ally fob the tribe’s main base who just fobbed you, etc. The burden of proof is on the reporting tribe. Multiple reports of the same tribes coordinating raids will NOT be treated as coincidence. Tribes can be raided on different maps at the same time, however, any proof of teaming or alliance will result in bans for both tribes teaming.
GR9. No holding a player hostage for longer than 30 minutes. However, during a raid, the imprisoned player may be held hostage during the entire raid. This rule only applies to the map the raid is happening on. Any raids on other maps are classified as separate raids. Player held hostage it is your responsibility to provide proof of being held hostage for longer than 30 minutes.
GR10. No stacking more than 2 dinosaurs within each other. More than 2 stacked dinosaurs will be admin wiped without notice and further punishments will apply for repeat offenders. Dinosaurs that get stacked while growing up need to be picked up as soon as they become adults.
GR11. No griefing players under PVE Protection. (Ex. Killing their passive dinos/soaking their turrets while they are under PVE/any other form of griefing) - Open World PVP Is allowed. You can use /pvecheck to see if a tribe is under PVE protection.
GR12. No Raiding in PVE Mode. (No setting up a FOB while in PVE mode to prepare to raid or soaking) If you would like to raid but are in PVE mode, simply get a tribe leader to type /pvp to remove your PVE protection.
GR13. Fobs must be removed once your raid is completed.
GR14. Placing turrets in open-world PVP is allowed but must be picked up afterward. No open world turrets will be allowed longer than 24 hours. (Including battery)
GR15. Tribes causing server performance issues (lag, crashes, etc) will be banned with a warning depending on the circumstance. It is your responsibility to ensure your base does not cause lag when being raided/picked up.
GR16. Toxicity is not allowed. Some friendly PVP trash talk is okay, getting personal and dirty with insults is absolutely not accepted and can get you banned without warning. This is a fun environment, we are not promoting a toxic PvP environment. Raiding is of course okay, but verbal bullying is not.
GR17. No popcorning/despawning loot while being actively raided. Loot can be transferred out, however, popcorning/intentionally despawning loot is punishable, especially while the base is being actively destroyed.
GR18. No abusing server restarts or crashes to activate your ORP - you must log back in if a restart happens, if not we will manually disable your offline raid protection in all entirety.
GR19. No Mek/Mesh Biting anywhere except for at the CROUCH of a base location. If a base location is not a Crouch Entrance you cannot mesh/mek-bite it whatsoever. This also applies to grabbing dinosaurs through the mesh.
GR20. No member swapping or merging tribes while actively in a raid. This applies to the raider and the defending tribe. If you have seven members at the start of a raid/defend you cannot replace members.
📜Overall Server Conduct📜
No racism or verbal bullying including any slang variants. Zero tolerance. This rule will be taken very seriously. You can PvP and trash talk while keeping it fun and not getting personal and nasty. Be smart, zero tolerance is in effect for this rule.
Exchanging and/or offering real money for any in-game items, bases, or points, whether serious or joking will get you permanently banned and both parties' points wiped. Furthermore, Exchanging services or other 3rd party software or programs for any items, points, or real money will be bannable.
Disrespect to a staff member will not be tolerated whatsoever. We work hard to bring a strong and friendly community to our cluster, and all of our Admins are impartial and prejudice free. This is not an ARK server that has abusive admins. We respect the player's time and hard work.
- Please report any breach of these rules/conduct to Admins/Moderators and you may receive compensation.
- Follow all Wildcard Code of Conduct
- Players not following rules may be banned without warning.
- Use the rule type and number when reporting. (ex. BR3, GR5)
- Report using a discord ticket or the support page.
📜Building Rules📜
BR1. Three bases per tribe per map. (This is three separate locations. Multiple buildings within the same vicinity count as one). Any fourth base found will get automatically deleted without notice. A base is considered any structure collections. Teleporters/Beds are exempt.
BR2. NO meshed structures or turrets.
BR3. Boss cages/arenas must only be created on the SquirtleArk Boss Map.
BR4. No building or aggressive dinos whatsoever @ any of the following locations:
Fjordur teleportation area
Wyvern Nests/Egg Spawns
Genesis 2 Rockwell Innards
Lava Golem Cave
Ice Queen Cave
Genesis Volcanic Cave
Genesis Mission Zones
Crystal Isles Underwater Tunnels
Valguero Aberration Zone Entrances
Aberration surface and green surface entrances
Genesis – Mission Zones
Spawn Zones
BR5. NO FOUNDATION SPAMMING AROUND THE MAP (Around your base area is okay)
BR6. No open world structures . (Taming traps/beds/teleporters are accepted)
BR7. No building in glitched areas.
📜Game Rules📜
GR1. No scamming users when trading with them. Absolutely prohibited.
GR2. Bosses must ONLY be spawned on the SquirtleArk Primal Fear Boss Map - That includes all bosses that require a spawner (Origins, etc). Players caught spawning bosses NOT on the boss map will be suspended from all SquirtleArk servers.
GR3. No helping new players progress fast by giving them items upon them joining. Trading is fine but progression skipping is against the rules. Furthermore, when trading with a player they MUST be on the same tier as the item being traded. No trading end-game dinosaurs to players not on that tier whatsoever. Another form of progression skipping is helping new players do bosses that they cannot otherwise handle themselves.
GR4. Duping is strictly prohibited.
GR5. No griefing players in any way, this includes spawning bosses near their bases or characters. (This will get you instantly banned)
GR6. No stacking more than 2 dinosaurs within each other. More than 2 stacked dinosaurs will be admin wiped without notice and further punishments will apply for repeat offenders. Dinosaurs that get stacked while growing up need to be picked up as soon as they become adults.
GR7. Tribes causing server performance issues (lag, crashes, etc) will be banned with a warning depending on the circumstance. It is your responsibility to ensure your base does not cause lag.
📜Overall Server Conduct/Rules📜
No racism or verbal bullying including any slang variants. Zero tolerance. This rule will be taken very seriously.
Exchanging and/or offering real money for any in game items, bases, points, whether serious or joking will get you perma banned and both parties points wiped. Furthermore, Exchanging services or other 3rd party software or programs for any items, points or real money will be bannable.
No hacking or abusing any game bugs and exploits or plugin/mod bugs and exploits.
One character per player per cluster. No second accounts or account sharing.
Disrespect to a staff member will not be tolerated whatsoever. We work hard to bring a strong and friendly community on our cluster, all of our Admins are impartial and prejudice free. This is not an ARK server that has abusive admins. We respect the players time and hard work.
- Please report any breach of these rules/conduct to Admins/Moderators and you may receive compensation.
- Players not following rules may be banned without warning.
- Report using a discord ticket or the support page.
BR1. Three bases per tribe per map. (This is three separate locations. Multiple buildings within the same vicinity count as one). Any fourth base found will get automatically deleted without notice. A base is considered any structure collections. Teleporters/Beds are exempt.
BR2. NO meshed structures or turrets.
BR3. Boss cages/arenas must only be created on the SquirtleArk Boss Map.
BR4. No building or aggressive dinos whatsoever @ any of the following locations:
Fjordur teleportation area
Wyvern Nests/Egg Spawns
Genesis 2 Rockwell Innards
Lava Golem Cave
Ice Queen Cave
Genesis Volcanic Cave
Genesis Mission Zones
Crystal Isles Underwater Tunnels
Valguero Aberration Zone Entrances
Aberration surface and green surface entrances
Genesis – Mission Zones
Spawn Zones
BR5. NO FOUNDATION SPAMMING AROUND THE MAP (Around your base area is okay)
BR6. No open world structures . (Taming traps/beds/teleporters are accepted)
BR7. No building in glitched areas.
📜Game Rules📜
GR1. No scamming users when trading with them. Absolutely prohibited.
GR2. Bosses must ONLY be spawned on the SquirtleArk Primal Fear Boss Map - That includes all bosses that require a spawner (Origins, etc). Players caught spawning bosses NOT on the boss map will be suspended from all SquirtleArk servers.
GR3. No helping new players progress fast by giving them items upon them joining. Trading is fine but progression skipping is against the rules. Furthermore, when trading with a player they MUST be on the same tier as the item being traded. No trading end-game dinosaurs to players not on that tier whatsoever. Another form of progression skipping is helping new players do bosses that they cannot otherwise handle themselves.
GR4. Duping is strictly prohibited.
GR5. No griefing players in any way, this includes spawning bosses near their bases or characters. (This will get you instantly banned)
GR6. No stacking more than 2 dinosaurs within each other. More than 2 stacked dinosaurs will be admin wiped without notice and further punishments will apply for repeat offenders. Dinosaurs that get stacked while growing up need to be picked up as soon as they become adults.
GR7. Tribes causing server performance issues (lag, crashes, etc) will be banned with a warning depending on the circumstance. It is your responsibility to ensure your base does not cause lag.
📜Overall Server Conduct/Rules📜
No racism or verbal bullying including any slang variants. Zero tolerance. This rule will be taken very seriously.
Exchanging and/or offering real money for any in game items, bases, points, whether serious or joking will get you perma banned and both parties points wiped. Furthermore, Exchanging services or other 3rd party software or programs for any items, points or real money will be bannable.
No hacking or abusing any game bugs and exploits or plugin/mod bugs and exploits.
One character per player per cluster. No second accounts or account sharing.
Disrespect to a staff member will not be tolerated whatsoever. We work hard to bring a strong and friendly community on our cluster, all of our Admins are impartial and prejudice free. This is not an ARK server that has abusive admins. We respect the players time and hard work.
- Please report any breach of these rules/conduct to Admins/Moderators and you may receive compensation.
- Players not following rules may be banned without warning.
- Report using a discord ticket or the support page.
📜Building Rules📜
BR1. Three bases and two boss arenas per tribe per map. (This is three separate locations. Multiple buildings within the same vicinity count as one). Any fourth base found will get automatically deleted without notice. A base is considered any structure collections. Teleporters/Beds are exempt.
BR2. NO meshed structures or turrets.
BR3. No building or aggressive dinos whatsoever @ any of the following locations:
Fjordur teleportation area
Wyvern Nests/Egg Spawns
Lava Golem Cave
Ice Queen Cave
Genesis Volcanic Cave
Genesis Mission Zones
Crystal Isles Underwater Tunnels
Valguero Aberration Zone Entrances
Spawn Zones
BR4. NO FOUNDATION SPAMMING AROUND THE MAP (Around your base area is okay)
BR5. No open world structures . (Taming traps/beds/teleporters are accepted)
BR6. No building in glitched areas.
BR7. No open world void vacuums. If placed for a fight, must be picked up after the fight. Void vacuums can be placed inside your boss arenas/bases
📜Game Rules📜
GR1. No scamming users when trading with them. Absolutely prohibited.
GR2. No mass-breeding that will contribute to performance issues on servers.
GR3. No helping new players progress fast by giving them items upon them joining. Trading is fine but progression skipping is against the rules. Furthermore, when trading with a player they MUST be on the same tier as the item being traded. No trading end-game dinosaurs to players not on that tier whatsoever. Another form of progression skipping is helping new players do bosses that they cannot otherwise handle themselves.
GR4. Duping is strictly prohibited.
GR5. No griefing players in any way, this includes spawning bosses near their bases or characters. (This will get you instantly banned)
GR6. No stacking more than 2 dinosaurs within each other. More than 2 stacked dinosaurs will be admin wiped without notice and further punishments will apply for repeat offenders. Dinosaurs that get stacked while growing up need to be picked up as soon as they become adults. Stacking causes performance issues, as long as dinos are not inside of each other that is not stacking. Dinos that are in the same hitbox are considered stacked.
GR7. Tribes causing server performance issues (lag, crashes, etc) will be banned with a warning depending on the circumstance. It is your responsibility to ensure your base does not cause lag.
GR8. No placing random void vacuums outside of your base, boss arenas, and summoning beacons. Furthermore, no using void vacuums to grief other players loot.
GR9. When trading neutered dinos you must not use any game bugs, structures, or exploits to somehow breed the traded dino. Neutered dinos must remain neutered as intended by the trader.
📜Overall Server Conduct/Rules📜
No racism or verbal bullying including any slang variants. Zero tolerance. This rule will be taken very seriously.
Exchanging and/or offering real money for any in game items, bases, points, whether serious or joking will get you perma banned and both parties points wiped. Furthermore, Exchanging services or other 3rd party software or programs for any items, points or real money will be bannable.
No hacking or abusing any game bugs and exploits or plugin/mod bugs and exploits.
One character per player per cluster. No second accounts or account sharing.
Tribes causing server performance issues (lag, crashes, etc) will be banned with a warning depending on the circumstance. It is your responsibility to ensure your base does not cause lag.
Disrespect to a staff member will not be tolerated whatsoever. We work hard to bring a strong and friendly community on our cluster, all of our Admins are impartial and prejudice free. This is not an ARK server that has abusive admins. We respect the players time and hard work.
- Please report any breach of these rules/conduct to Admins/Moderators and you may receive compensation.
- Players not following rules may be banned without warning.
- Report using a discord ticket or the support page.
BR1. Three bases and two boss arenas per tribe per map. (This is three separate locations. Multiple buildings within the same vicinity count as one). Any fourth base found will get automatically deleted without notice. A base is considered any structure collections. Teleporters/Beds are exempt.
BR2. NO meshed structures or turrets.
BR3. No building or aggressive dinos whatsoever @ any of the following locations:
Fjordur teleportation area
Wyvern Nests/Egg Spawns
Lava Golem Cave
Ice Queen Cave
Genesis Volcanic Cave
Genesis Mission Zones
Crystal Isles Underwater Tunnels
Valguero Aberration Zone Entrances
Spawn Zones
BR4. NO FOUNDATION SPAMMING AROUND THE MAP (Around your base area is okay)
BR5. No open world structures . (Taming traps/beds/teleporters are accepted)
BR6. No building in glitched areas.
BR7. No open world void vacuums. If placed for a fight, must be picked up after the fight. Void vacuums can be placed inside your boss arenas/bases
📜Game Rules📜
GR1. No scamming users when trading with them. Absolutely prohibited.
GR2. No mass-breeding that will contribute to performance issues on servers.
GR3. No helping new players progress fast by giving them items upon them joining. Trading is fine but progression skipping is against the rules. Furthermore, when trading with a player they MUST be on the same tier as the item being traded. No trading end-game dinosaurs to players not on that tier whatsoever. Another form of progression skipping is helping new players do bosses that they cannot otherwise handle themselves.
GR4. Duping is strictly prohibited.
GR5. No griefing players in any way, this includes spawning bosses near their bases or characters. (This will get you instantly banned)
GR6. No stacking more than 2 dinosaurs within each other. More than 2 stacked dinosaurs will be admin wiped without notice and further punishments will apply for repeat offenders. Dinosaurs that get stacked while growing up need to be picked up as soon as they become adults. Stacking causes performance issues, as long as dinos are not inside of each other that is not stacking. Dinos that are in the same hitbox are considered stacked.
GR7. Tribes causing server performance issues (lag, crashes, etc) will be banned with a warning depending on the circumstance. It is your responsibility to ensure your base does not cause lag.
GR8. No placing random void vacuums outside of your base, boss arenas, and summoning beacons. Furthermore, no using void vacuums to grief other players loot.
GR9. When trading neutered dinos you must not use any game bugs, structures, or exploits to somehow breed the traded dino. Neutered dinos must remain neutered as intended by the trader.
📜Overall Server Conduct/Rules📜
No racism or verbal bullying including any slang variants. Zero tolerance. This rule will be taken very seriously.
Exchanging and/or offering real money for any in game items, bases, points, whether serious or joking will get you perma banned and both parties points wiped. Furthermore, Exchanging services or other 3rd party software or programs for any items, points or real money will be bannable.
No hacking or abusing any game bugs and exploits or plugin/mod bugs and exploits.
One character per player per cluster. No second accounts or account sharing.
Tribes causing server performance issues (lag, crashes, etc) will be banned with a warning depending on the circumstance. It is your responsibility to ensure your base does not cause lag.
Disrespect to a staff member will not be tolerated whatsoever. We work hard to bring a strong and friendly community on our cluster, all of our Admins are impartial and prejudice free. This is not an ARK server that has abusive admins. We respect the players time and hard work.
- Please report any breach of these rules/conduct to Admins/Moderators and you may receive compensation.
- Players not following rules may be banned without warning.
- Report using a discord ticket or the support page.
📜Building Rules📜
BR1. Two bases per tribe per map. (This is two separate locations. Multiple buildings within the same vicinity count as one). Any third base found will get automatically deleted without notice. A base is considered any structure collections. Teleporters/Beds are exempt.
BR2. NO meshed structures or turrets.
BR3. No building or aggressive dinos whatsoever @ any of the following locations:
Fjordur teleportation area
Wyvern Nests/Egg Spawns
Genesis 2 Rockwell Innards
Lava Golem Cave
Ice Queen Cave
Genesis Volcanic Cave
Genesis Mission Zones
Crystal Isles Underwater Tunnels
Valguero Aberration Zone Entrances
Aberration surface and green surface entrances
Genesis – Mission Zones
Spawn Zones
BR5. NO FOUNDATION SPAMMING AROUND THE MAP (Around your base area is okay)
BR6. No open world structures . (Taming traps/beds/teleporters are accepted)
BR7. No building in glitched areas.
📜Game Rules📜
GR1. No scamming users when trading with them. Absolutely prohibited.
GR2. No helping new players progress fast by giving them items upon them joining. Trading is fine but progression skipping is against the rules. Furthermore, when trading with a player they MUST be on the same tier as the item being traded. No trading end-game dinosaurs to players not on that tier whatsoever. Another form of progression skipping is helping new players do bosses that they cannot otherwise handle themselves.
GR3. Duping is strictly prohibited.
GR4. No griefing players in any way, this includes spawning bosses near their bases or characters. (This will get you instantly banned)
GR5. No stacking more than 2 dinosaurs within each other. More than 2 stacked dinosaurs will be admin wiped without notice and further punishments will apply for repeat offenders. Dinosaurs that get stacked while growing up need to be picked up as soon as they become adults.
GR6. Tribes causing server performance issues (lag, crashes, etc) will be banned with a warning depending on the circumstance. It is your responsibility to ensure your base does not cause lag.
📜Overall Server Conduct/Rules📜
No racism or verbal bullying including any slang variants. Zero tolerance. This rule will be taken very seriously.
Exchanging and/or offering real money for any in game items, bases, points, whether serious or joking will get you perma banned and both parties points wiped. Furthermore, Exchanging services or other 3rd party software or programs for any items, points or real money will be bannable.
No hacking or abusing any game bugs and exploits or plugin/mod bugs and exploits.
One character per player per cluster. No second accounts or account sharing.
Disrespect to a staff member will not be tolerated whatsoever. We work hard to bring a strong and friendly community on our cluster, all of our Admins are impartial and prejudice free. This is not an ARK server that has abusive admins. We respect the players time and hard work.
- Please report any breach of these rules/conduct to Admins/Moderators and you may receive compensation.
- Players not following rules may be banned without warning.
- Report using a discord ticket or the support page.
BR1. Two bases per tribe per map. (This is two separate locations. Multiple buildings within the same vicinity count as one). Any third base found will get automatically deleted without notice. A base is considered any structure collections. Teleporters/Beds are exempt.
BR2. NO meshed structures or turrets.
BR3. No building or aggressive dinos whatsoever @ any of the following locations:
Fjordur teleportation area
Wyvern Nests/Egg Spawns
Genesis 2 Rockwell Innards
Lava Golem Cave
Ice Queen Cave
Genesis Volcanic Cave
Genesis Mission Zones
Crystal Isles Underwater Tunnels
Valguero Aberration Zone Entrances
Aberration surface and green surface entrances
Genesis – Mission Zones
Spawn Zones
BR5. NO FOUNDATION SPAMMING AROUND THE MAP (Around your base area is okay)
BR6. No open world structures . (Taming traps/beds/teleporters are accepted)
BR7. No building in glitched areas.
📜Game Rules📜
GR1. No scamming users when trading with them. Absolutely prohibited.
GR2. No helping new players progress fast by giving them items upon them joining. Trading is fine but progression skipping is against the rules. Furthermore, when trading with a player they MUST be on the same tier as the item being traded. No trading end-game dinosaurs to players not on that tier whatsoever. Another form of progression skipping is helping new players do bosses that they cannot otherwise handle themselves.
GR3. Duping is strictly prohibited.
GR4. No griefing players in any way, this includes spawning bosses near their bases or characters. (This will get you instantly banned)
GR5. No stacking more than 2 dinosaurs within each other. More than 2 stacked dinosaurs will be admin wiped without notice and further punishments will apply for repeat offenders. Dinosaurs that get stacked while growing up need to be picked up as soon as they become adults.
GR6. Tribes causing server performance issues (lag, crashes, etc) will be banned with a warning depending on the circumstance. It is your responsibility to ensure your base does not cause lag.
📜Overall Server Conduct/Rules📜
No racism or verbal bullying including any slang variants. Zero tolerance. This rule will be taken very seriously.
Exchanging and/or offering real money for any in game items, bases, points, whether serious or joking will get you perma banned and both parties points wiped. Furthermore, Exchanging services or other 3rd party software or programs for any items, points or real money will be bannable.
No hacking or abusing any game bugs and exploits or plugin/mod bugs and exploits.
One character per player per cluster. No second accounts or account sharing.
Disrespect to a staff member will not be tolerated whatsoever. We work hard to bring a strong and friendly community on our cluster, all of our Admins are impartial and prejudice free. This is not an ARK server that has abusive admins. We respect the players time and hard work.
- Please report any breach of these rules/conduct to Admins/Moderators and you may receive compensation.
- Players not following rules may be banned without warning.
- Report using a discord ticket or the support page.